Saturday, February 18, 2012

Makin' a splash!

I am not sure who out there watched the Grammys last weekend but if you did then you were more likely than not blown away by a certain country duo. They played literally for only one minute right before Taylor Swift took to the stage but MAN O MAN DID THEY KILL IT! This one minute of a song was so impressive that it sent me straight to my computer to find this Jack Sparrow look-a-like.
What I found was The Civil Wars.

The Civil Wars are a country/folk (more folky for you country haters) and are comprised of Joy Williams and John Paul White. If you didn't know any better you would be convinced that these two were love birds but as it turns out Captain Jack...err I mean John Paul White is married to someone else! It is a testament to how good they are to assume they are involved because their chemistry sizzles. Every song off of their first full length album Barton Hallow is quite impressive. From the beautiful opening on the first track "20 Years" to the haunting "The Violet Hour" this album is something that shouldn't be overlooked. The gem of the record is undeniably the title track "Barton Hallow" and if you haven't heard it yet then I strongly recommend you watch this...
...pretty awesome, huh?
I can't help but get an early Black Keys/White stripes vibe from this song and I think eventually this could be their bread and butter. That isn't to say that the rest of the album is not magnificent, because it is, but it is a slower pace and leaves more room for both of their voices to shine through.
Long story short is if you haven't given this band a shot yet then stop reading this and go buy this immediately!


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