Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Viagra for my soul

I don't care one bit if the headline makes sense or not, it's how I feel about this next band. Just the other day I casually asked a friend of mine if he had heard of any new bands recently that were really worthy of noting. He told me "listen to Of Monsters and Men they are the next big thing." Boy was he right! Within 60 seconds I was hooked and purchasing their EP.

I was stunned that this band was from Iceland too! Call me ignorant, call me crazy, call me an American  but I haven't seen anything this epic come out of Iceland since the Olympic team that almost beat Coach Bombay and his Mighty Ducks. In all seriousness though it isn't often you get bands from there making it big in the States.

This band deserves every single bit of recognition they are starting to get and I honestly hope they are here to stay for a long long time. They draw comparisons to so many different bands I've heard through out my life yet sound so fresh and so new. They are one of the purest bands I've heard in quite some time.

Their style can best be described as 1/3 Mumford and Sons, 1/3 Arcade Fire and 1/3 Ska. When you put all three of those together along with VERY catchy hooks in all of their songs you get this amazing feeling bubbling up inside you that can really only be subdued by humming along.

Their first album My Head Is an Animal is set to be released in the States soon  and I cannot wait. If it is anything like the EP we are all in for quite the treat. Please please please give this band a listen if you haven't heard of them yet. I apologize in advance for you having to walk around all day tomorrow singing this in your head.
Hope you enjoyed that! Let us know what you think in the comments section and check back soon for another very exciting new band!!!


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