Thursday, February 23, 2012

More Scottish goodness!

So, in keeping with this week's theme of bands from the northern most part of the UK, I present, Frightened Rabbit

My brother showed me this band after he had seen them open for Death Cab for Cutie this past summer, and from there, my love for them has only grown. Formed back in 2003, the band was only made up of lead singer and guitar player, Scott Hutchison at that time. It wasn't until 2005 that they had an actual three-piece band, which has since grown to five members. And for now it seems like that's where they'll keep it.

Taken by: William Haun
Very similar to We Were Promised Jetpacks (see our other post), Frightened Rabbit brings another awesome Indie voice to the music scene, along with BADASS Scottish accents. They've released three, full length studio albums and are said to be working on another which will hopefully be out later this year. I love this band's sound! They use a lot of reverb and echo in many of there songs which gives them this HUGE sound. From their drummer to the keyboard player, everything plays so well together. A lot of good bands never become great through, an amazing singer is hard to find. But they have one! That's why they're great! The tone in his voice is perfect, and he sings fantastic melodies on top of the already music. I think it'd be pretty hard not to enjoy his voice and the music. They have a very mature sound for an Indie Rock band. They understand the benefits of using musical texture and layering, and you can tell they put a lot of time into putting everything together.

Their two, latest albums would definitely be my favorite. The Midnight Organ Fight and The Winter of Mixed Drinks both have amazing singles, and are very listener friendly albums... meaning, there isn't a bad song on them! Tracks like Modern Leper and Swim Until You Can't See Land prove that these guys can not only produce one album with amazing songs, but two, and probably a whole lot more. That's the great thing about having an insanely creative leader like Hutchison.

So there's only one thing left for you to do.... Check them out! What have you got to lose? I even made it easy for ya (click play).

See? They're freaking awesome! Let me know what you think with a comment.

Until next time,

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